Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

The celebrations continue! Saturday Stephen purchased a small Weber Charcoal Grill so he could do some cooking out at his apartment. He decided Mother’s Day would be a good day to christen his new grill and he also wanted to cook for me.DSC_2670

Well I must say our son is a great cook. He grilled hamburgers and with that we had Grillin Beans, chips, and Pistachio salad. We followed our lunch with the leftover birthday cake. Everything was delicious and I really enjoyed having my son cook for me. It was fun to watch him in his own apartment. He seems very confident and content with his life. That is always good to see happen. We are very proud of him and he has become such a fine young man.

For Mother’s Day Stephen got me a beautiful hand painted glass window art. It is about 4 inches in diameter and looks kinda like stained glass. The neat part is that it is a Hummingbird getting nectar from a flower. Just beautiful.DSC_2665 Since we are in a motorhome space is limited and this can be hung in any window. I have already located a small suction cup and hung it in the small window in the dining area. This is a great place for the light to pass through it to show all the beautiful colors. Thanks Stephen!!DSC_2669 DSC_2666

Mike and I are a little more practical in our gifts to each other. We tend to buy things that are needed. The full-time rule is whenever something comes in…something goes out. Space is limited and weight is important. We feel our best gift to each other is being able to live this lifestyle together. To experience this joy is the best gift ever. Thanks Mike!!

That pretty much sums up this Mother’s Day. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. A great husband and a great son.

Life is good.


  1. Happy Mother's Day! We are followers via RV There Yet.

  2. We have a son that cooks also. He doesn't cook for us but he does for his girlfriend. She rates higher than we do. (that is a good thing actually) Glad to read that you enjoyed such a wonderful Mother's Day, Gerri.

    That header pic sure is a cutie!


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