Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fun Food and Fellowship


Friday Gerri and I got an early start by going to the pier in Fairhope on a bright and sunny day.  Not only is there a pier, but also a little park and beautiful roses. 

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We walked around the park and then onto the pier, it was so relaxing and peaceful.

While we were there, we met a really nice older man, Mr. Simms.  He came up to us and started sharing information about Fairhope as well as himself.  He is a retired pilot and his wife has Alzheimer’s disease.  He enjoys his daily trip to the pier and visiting with people while there.  To him it is his way of sharing with folks as well as a time for himself.  Before he left, he took a picture of Gerri & me and we told him our next time down, we would look for him on the pier.



When we left the pier, we spent some time in town going through many of the very unique shops in Fairhope.  It really is a very unique town and we really enjoy our times there.

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We called and talked with Darrell and Judy and decided to meet at Big Daddy’s Grill for lunch and fellowship.  So a little after 11:30, we got together and had a great meal and even greater conversation and fellowship time. 


Isn’t it really neat that you can be apart for about 2 years, yet when you get together again, you just pick up where you left off like you had just seen each other the day before.  Darrell and Judy had to go to Pensacola to pick up his glasses and Gerri & I wanted to go to the beach at Gulf Shores.  So we went our separate ways and had a very relaxing and peaceful time at the beach.

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Later in the day we got back together with Darrell and Judy at the pier to take some pics of the sunset over the bay.  Unfortunately it was cloudy and very windy and the waves choppy. 

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Since there was no sunset to be had, we decided to go to Ruby Tuesdays for a dessert and coffee.  After about an hour and half of visiting over our dessert, we did our hugs and “see you down the road “, we headed back to the hotel.


It was a great day and we had a grand time.  Life is good and God is great!


  1. It is always great to get together with long time friends. The length of time between meetings matter not at all:)

    Nice pictures today!

  2. sure looks like it was a great day!!..nice picture of the two of you that Mr. Simms took!! the header shot..very festive!!

  3. What a great beach...and pier! I like to explore the shops, too, even though I don't usually buy anything.

  4. Great photos. So glad you had a nice visit with Darrell and Judy and a wonderful weekend, as well.

  5. It is always great to meet friends, and have a meal together. Poor Mr Simms, he must be a little lonely with his wife's Alzheimer's, you guys brought a little sunshine to his day.But I knew you would. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  6. Glad you guys had a fun getaway. Fairhope is a pretty unique place.

  7. A few years ago I followed their blog. They seem like such a nice couple. Glad you four got together again.

  8. Strangers we meet along the road can be some of the most interesting encounters. :)

  9. I googled Fairhope and boy it looks like a great area...May have to go there this year, as we will be in Louisiana...Nice to get together with old friends...

  10. Wow! It sure looked fun! Coffee, dessert, great friends and an unexpected treat...Mr Simms! Fabulous pics and I love the header!

    Happy Halloween! Cheers! ~M

  11. What fun to get together with friends, especially when you can just pick up where you left off. What a nice area you're in. Your flower pictures are beautiful.

  12. What a great place. Beautiful pictures of the beach.
    It was nice of Mr. Simms to take your picture. He must be lonely now. So the fact you visited with him was so nice of you both.


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