Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Sunday, December 22, 2013

A Little of this and Little of that…and A Merry Christmas

It has been a few weeks since our last outing which says there hasn’t been a lot going on in the camping part of our lives lately…but that is soon to be changing as we have a road trip planned after the first of the year.

We have kind of been tweaking our egg a bit since our last outing.  We have added a Paha Que screen room with the rain fly for more outdoor room which we are anxious to use.  It is the 10x10 size and it will add so much more protected room.


On a funnier note, we have gone from a full bed to twin bed and back and forth, but, for now, have decided on the full bed sleeping arrangement.  So many choices, I don’t know what to do.  When we purchased the egg from the previous owner, they had modified it to accommodate a wider twin bed and had the foam/memory foam to go with it.  Since then, we bought the Spa Sensations full size mattress and now have the ability to have either sleeping arrangement.  As Casita owners know, you can even have king bed sleeping arrangements.  We have 2 Shihtzus that travel with us and one is 16 years old and feels she has to sleep with us….

On another good note, our son is engaged and has set the wedding for a spring time date…actual day coming later.  We are excited for him and happy for her.  Raegan is a really nice young lady and blends so well in our family.


We are all ready for Christmas and have enjoyed getting the house decorated and seeing all the colors of Christmas.





Gerri and I want to wish all of you and your families a very Merry Christmas.  May we always remember the true purpose of the season.


  1. I like the setup in your Casita! We put our TV on the same shelf that is factory installed. But we keep threatening to install a swivel-arm and buy a newer screen.

    We have a canopy that we use for outdoor stuff. It helps on longer trips, since Casitas are so small. We do ALL of our cooking outside. When we go camping in cold weather we still try to do cooking outside.

    One of my pals ordered his Casita with no furnace, figuring the heat strip would serve just fine. First trip he took was to Yellowstone and since there are no hookups in the campsites there, they nearly froze to death (mid-September).

    I wouldn't recommend a model without a furnace.

  2. What a beautiful home!!! And your Christmas Tree is gorgeous - so many lights.

    Congratulations on your son's engagement - exciting times ahead for you all.

    Merry Christmas from me and Katie! :)

  3. merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

  4. Bet you're going to enjoy that new screen room. Also, congratulations on the new family member. You will just have to make sure your son checks your camping schedule before setting a specific date for the wedding. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to the two of you. Wishing you many happy days in your Casita for 2014..jc

  5. The house looks really beautiful all dressed up for Christmas. Both our girls sleep with us and even though they are small - they sure do take up a lot of bed.

  6. Your Christmas decorations are beautiful! And I love, love, love your header picture. Congratulations to your son on his engagement. Merry Christmas, Mike and Gerri!

  7. Congratulations to your son and Raegan. What a beautiful couple they make. We look forward to seeing some gorgeous photos.

    Your house looks lovely.

    We wish you a very merry and blessed Christmas.

  8. How wonderful, a wedding in the family!! That little 'egg looks very cozy and I'll bet that extra screen room is like a patio!

  9. First Congrats on gaining a “daughter in law”...a great looking couple!!...Your home sure is decorated in the true spirit of Christmas...Have a Very Merry Christmas and may 2014 be filled with lots of terrific adventures for you both... Horst sends

  10. Mike and Gerri - Merry Christmas and all the best in 2014!

  11. Lots of reasons to celebrate and offer some congrats - the engagement, the beautiful home and the upcoming RV trip.


  12. I think you will love your new screen room. I was really impressed with Carla's when I saw it back in September.

    How exciting about the upcoming wedding and gaining a new daughter. She looks sweet and beautiful.

    I enjoyed seeing your Christmassy home. It looks so warm and festive!

    Merry Christmas!

  13. Lots of nice things coming your way and wonderful travel.

    Love your inside pictures...both your home and the Casita. Looks like it's ready to take off!

    Merry Christmas!

  14. Your house looks very festive. Congrats on the upcoming nuptials. They look like a great couple.

  15. Thanks for deciding to add my blog to your followings. I just found you as well, and am enjoying learning about your little Casita and your family. Loved your Christmas decor! Now I have to go back and read about the full timing to any timing choices you have made. Nice to meet you!

  16. Congrates!!!! I am happy for them both!!! God bless you all!


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