Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

On the Road Again…but not Fulltime


I figured it wouldn’t last!! RVing, camping, hiking, photography and you name it…..just gets in your blood. As you know, we stopped full-timing and decided to buy a neat little house in Lagrange, Georgia. We have had a ton of fun “fixing” it up. We have painted, updated the kitchen with granite counters, painted cabinets and purchased new appliances. We ripped out carpet exposing nice hardwood floors and tiled our sunroom. We bought some really neat antique/period pieces of furniture. It has been fun!! We LOVE our home but we miss traveling in an RV.

We always planned to return to the road in some fashion or another. We have looked at various RVs and methods of travel. We have talked about what we want and came to the conclusion that we really, truly missed camping. We found that when we full-timed we really didn’t “camp.” We lived in our motorhome and we traveled in our motorhome. We volunteered and hosted in our motorhome and best of all we met some of the most amazing people while full-timing in our motorhome. Now we just want to hike, take pictures in nature, visit amazing places and make awesome memories. We want to sit outside by a campfire and fall asleep and wake up at 4 a.m. because we were so relaxed we just drifted off in our recliners. We DON’T want to spend lots of money, we just want a camper that is well built, unique and simple. No more huge 40 foot diesel pushers for us!! Soooo we have decided on getting a Casita!! A Casita or “egg” as they are lovingly referred to, is a molded fiberglass trailer. It is small but has all the things we need to achieve the above mentioned goals. It will allow us to move, hike, take pictures in nature, visit amazing places and make awesome memories. It allows us to sit outside in our Lufuma recliners and relax. Best of all, it will allow us to remain close to the wonderful friends we made when full-timing and make new friends in the Casita Community.



We have purchased our “new to us” Casita from a nice couple in Cincinnati, Ohio. This is their second Casita and it has been well loved and cared for with many options added to it. Of course, we will add others and tweak it to become more us. We went to Cincinnati last week and took possession.

This isn’t exactly what we thought we would end up purchasing but after doing much research we feel this fits us to a tee!! It is small and will take some adjustments on our part but we are so excited to be able to travel via RV and get out in nature once again.


We won’t be posting on a regular basis as we did when full-timing but will post with pictures whenever we are out in our Casita. Looking forward to reconnecting with our blogging friends and making new friends in our next chapter of RVing!!


  1. Hey, welcome back to blogville!! :) Your Casita looks like an awesome camper for making an easy way into just about anywhere.

    When you get it all set up, how about a virtual tour??

  2. Way Cool! Looking forward to meeting up with you guys "On the Road!"

  3. Congratulations! Maybe we'll run into each other on the road. Enjoy your egg! :)

  4. So happy to see an introduction to your new-to-you little Casita. I think it will be perfect for a "camper" as opposed to an RV.

    It does look shiny and well cared for!

    I agree that having a home base and a Casita gives us the best of both worlds.

    Congratulations, and welcome back to the road!

  5. So great to hear from you. Now you can take care of that itch whenever it hits. Have fun.

  6. We've been full timing nearly 13 years and I can see it won't last forever... I love the way you've transitioned and it really looks like you'll be living the best of both worlds. I'll be looking forward to your future adventures.

  7. Looks like you'll be enjoying the best of both worlds... I'm looking forward to your adventures.

  8. So glad to see this post! Missed reading about your adventures! Come to Tennessee and make some memories!

  9. Good to see you getting back to camping. Before we went full time we had a Chalet folding camper. It was perfect for the short trips we did then, but we always lusted after a Casita. Great choice. Have fun, look forward to your trip photos.

  10. How great to find you on my blog list as posting! Gotta tell a story about our friends.

    They retired a few years back (he was a Pastor, she from teaching) while in their early 60's. They decided to travel for one year fulltime before retiring to their dream home in Maine. For that year their "RV" was one of those tiny trailers that fold out into a bed, the type pulled by motorcycles. They pulled it with their Prius.

    When the wife called to get insurance she was asked how long it was. Oops, she didn't know. Went outside to measure. Came in and told agent 42. Agent replied 42 feet. No, 42 inches.

    Well, after a year they settled in Maine but still wanted to camp. They moved up to a Casita. They swear they are camping in a mansion now.

    Hope you enjoy yours as much.

  11. Congrats your new to you 'egg'. Egg-actly what need to fulfil those dreams!! Can't wait to see the inside!!!!

  12. Congrats your new to you 'egg'. Egg-actly what need to fulfil those dreams!! Can't wait to see the inside!!!!

  13. From what I have read, folks who have Casitas love them. I'm sure you will make many happy memories (again!) in your camper. Looking forward to your posts.

  14. Great to see you posting again. Looking forward to once again enjoying your fantastic photography as well as your tales and trails of the casita.

  15. We are sooo happy for you!! I wondered what "extras" it had..and I'm not sure MacGyver could clear the front door..I'm with you..just get me back out there, even in a tent..Wait a minute, that's where I draw the line!

  16. Congratulations you two. Looks like you found the perfect "second" home. It doesn't matter how big it is yours to enjoy nature.

    Hope to meet you two down the road!

  17. That's wonderful news, Gerri and Mike! Enjoy your new Casita trailer and I'll stay tuned for some blogs about your new adventures!

  18. How exciting! This sounds like the best of both worlds for you. I'll look forward to future posts when you are "out and about." :)

  19. Love your new "egg"! I have always thought they were so cute! Hope to see you out on the road soon!
    Susan and Sam

  20. I hope you are settling in well in your home. Our car will not pull a larger size Casita. Only a 13 footer and we have four cats that will need to go with us. We are looking around and we think we will settle for a class C, 23 footer. I don't want to feel that we are driving a huge house on! Take care!

  21. Trying to catch up on everyone's blog. Congrats on returning to RVing. It does get in your blood. I've been camping since I was 3 years old - no plans to stop anytime soon. Love your new RV - have seen several of them in our travels this summer. Awaiting for some inside photos as well as outdoor camping photos. Enjoy your new change.

  22. This is just the cutest thing. Can't wait to see how you make it home away from home!

  23. Score!!! Squealing with delight for you here and that splendid egg!

    So happy to reconnect with you. Your plans for falling asleep in front of the campfire sound ideal.

  24. My wife and I love our Casita. We use it often...most years in every season.


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