Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Saturday, September 14, 2013




We haven’t dropped off the face of the earth, just a bit detained.

During our trip to pick up our Casita, my mom suffered a severe case of shingles and an arthritis attack in her lower back. Being that she is 93, both events took a toll on her. She spent about 5 weeks in the hospital and rehab. My brother and I decided that mom needed to be in assisted living but allowed time to lead mom to come to that conclusion herself. It is better that she was able to come to that conclusion instead of having that decision made for her.


Mom had lived in the same house for 65 years, in fact, my folks built that house…it was the home we grew up in. My brother and I have been going through the process of closing down our home of 65 years, and it has not been easy. It seems, at times like this, memories flood your heart and thoughts…I am so glad Gerri was there with me to help in this task. She has been great helping me keep a good perspective through this.


Well, mom is happy in her new surroundings and has so many different activities through the course of the day to keep her busy and active. It has been a good thing for mom and our families.

We close on mom’s house the first week in October and soon thereafter, the house will be torn down to build 2 condos.

When all that is done, we will be getting back out in our Casita and doing some traveling and chilling.


  1. It is so sad... or bittersweet... to see a family home like that disappear. I'm glad your Mom was able to live there for so many years.

    And I'm so happy that she was able to make her own decision about moving. A lot of times that's not an option.

    I wish her happiness and contentment in her new surroundings.

    And I'm looking forward to following your Casita travels. :)

  2. It is so sad... or bittersweet... to see a family home like that disappear. I'm glad your Mom was able to live there for so many years.

    And I'm so happy that she was able to make her own decision about moving. A lot of times that's not an option.

    I wish her happiness and contentment in her new surroundings.

    And I'm looking forward to following your Casita travels. :)

  3. Memories are a wonderful thing. So is renewal. Glad mom is happily moving on and so can Mike and Gerri.

  4. What a cute header photo.

    Oh my...I am so sorry to read about mom, but so happy that she came to the decision to get assistance. Shingles are painful at any age. I cannot image what pain she must have been in.

    I can't image how difficult it must be to see the house you love torn down. Possibly focusing on the positive...the new condos will bring a new home to someone in need.

    I will keep you and mom in my prayers for comfort and peace.

  5. Oh my...I sure wish our Aunt and Uncle would adjust to their assisted living..they HATE it..and I'm not sure why. At least they are safe, but they might decide to leave and live back home with 24hr. help. It's not our call..So wonderful your Mom is accepting this!

  6. I't sooooo wonderful that your Mom loves her assisted living. Our elders HATE it..and want to live at home with 24hr help...The problem is that their home is no handicapped accessible and he is in a wheelchair..I hope they soon adjust like your Mom did...So nice to know they are safe.

  7. Sorry to read about your Mother's health issues....but glad at the positive seems sad to tear down a lifetime of memories...maybe taking a piece of the home as a memory. ie., a brick from the fireplace..just a thought...hope you'll be able to start an adventure soon..Horst sends

  8. So glad that your mom is happy! Know that it must be difficult to dismantle the home. We have a similar situation with my she is has been living in same house for 63 years. Still Ok at the moment.

    Just added your blog to my blogroll...I was so confused with another geri and the happy trails name. You are down the road and she's still in NM!

  9. LOVE your heading! Through God's eyes every thing is on purpose and beautiful. What a bitter sweet post. Love to you all as you move forward.

  10. Gerri, I just thought I would let you know I am using your Calloway Gardens Chapel photo as my computer's desktop wallpaper.

    I hope that's okay. :)


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