Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Green Eggs and Ham Rally


Gerri and I are attending our first Casita rally. It is being held at Gunter Hill COE outside of Montgomery, Al. There are “eggs, eggs” everywhere, the most we have ever seen. We were able to meet a few people that we have got to know through blogging. We met Jerry and Wanda of and Lynn and David of It is really neat to meet folks whose blog you have been reading; it puts the people with their stories.


Last night we went down to the pavilion and enjoyed some music being played by some very talented members of the rally. Jerry had built a really good fire and all was going well until the rains came.


Those rains lasted all during the night, but sounded relaxing as it fell on our egg. This morning the rains were gone, but we know the cold front was pushing them out. The winds have been strong today as it is bringing in the colder temps.



We walked around the campgrounds and stopped by to see some friends we met last year. John and Ellen just happened to be in the area and decided to stay at this campground the same time we are here. We picked up right where we left off last time we saw them. A good time with good friends!



We are looking forward to Thursday as it is suppose to be sunny with the high in the mid 50’s!


  1. Sounds like an awesome time with good friends! And the pics look great! Im glad yall are having a good time! It is well deserved!

  2. Seems that its a great time of Fellowship and Fun...and with better weather moving will provide some special memories...Nice photo of the Casita and Xterra... :).....though I maybe just a tad partial....Haha...Have a SUPER Rally....Horst sends

  3. I believe I would camp in a pop up if that was the only way we could...I couldn't just give it up. Do LOVE you egg!!

  4. Such a beautiful park, and it looks like a great group!

    Hope it warms up again for you soon. :)

  5. Enjoyed spending time with you two today. It's so much fun to finally meet each other.

    Hope our paths continue to cross and we get to camp with you again!

  6. the meeting of the 'eggs' sounds like it is a great time!!!

  7. Nothing like sitting around a roaring campfire with some good "homemade" music. My dad always had a guitar in his hand and we loved singing around the fire. Good memories.

  8. It was really great to meet you guys. To finally put faces on the posts and emails is always fun. Hope you enjoyed your first Casita rally, and hope to see you at many more.

  9. I've never been to an egg-gathering. However, Carole and I often run into many types of molded fiberglass trailers on our journeys. More and more, actually, as the years progress.

  10. Always fun getting with liked minded folks:) We belong to a group called the Skinny Winnies which all have Sprinter based RV's.

  11. Will this gathering be held in 2015, and if so, do you know where yet? We didn't know about it until just now. AL would have been close enough to go (we're in North Fla). Looks like a fun group. Is it always around the same time of year?


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