Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Visiting Chewacla State Park


We decided it was past time for a little outing, so off we went to Chewalca State Park in Auburn, Alabama. The state park has 696 scenic acres and a 26 acre lake with many different hiking trails. Each site has full hookups and the weekday rates are less than weekends. There is also Chewacla waterfalls in the park. Since we just arrived this afternoon, we haven’t hit the trails today. We are snuggled in a sight surrounded by trees.  Stephen and Raegan also live in Auburn, so it’s a double treat…camping and visiting family.


They came over for a cookout, campfire and smores…and boy did we put away some smores.



After eating, we just sat around and had a real good, relaxing visit in our campsite. We talked for a couple of hours and ended up almost falling asleep we were so comfortable.




Tomorrow we are going to explore some of the park and venture into Auburn and explore that community.


  1. Looks like fun times, and even better that you were able to see Stephen and Raegan!

  2. Visiting with the kids and s'mores. Couldn't be nicer!

    Hope the trails are interesting and I am curious about the waterfall. :)

  3. nice to have a little getaway! enjoy yourselves!!

  4. I miss not being able to cook over a campfire at this refuge. Enjoy!

  5. I want a smore. However we are in an area of such severe drought that fires are not allowed anywhere. And somehow doing one in the microwave just isn't the same. Glad you were able to get away. I am looking forward to a waterfall picture.


  6. Glad that you were able to find such a great place close to the kids!

    How's the heat and humidity? Is it bearable? Have lots of fun!!!

  7. Love the header photo. Beautiful

    So glad you have a wonderful visit with Stephen and Raegan. Just reading the post, I felt very relaxed...hehe

  8. Glad you are getting out and about in the camper again...It's a real stress reliever!

  9. What a great way to spend Quality Time with Family, and Newly Weds at that!!......and Smores to boot....Life is good..Thanks for sharing...Horst sends

  10. Nice to get away for a spell, isn't it!


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