Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Been a Bit Boring…


With all the house painting and very high temperatures we haven't been doing anything very exciting lately.  You could go so far as to say we have been pretty boring....and bored!!


With that in mind we decided it was time to do something that involved the Casita. 

We have some very good friends, Darrell and Judy Patterson, that have recently bought a home in the Crossville, Tennessee area and we have wanted to visit with them and see their new home.  They are north of LaGrange, Georgia and therefore the temps should be a tad cooler...hopefully!!!  We were set to head out Tuesday morning after I had my INR blood test on Monday.  Well, Monday my INR showed that my number is pretty low and out of therapeutic range.  Those of you that are familiar with Coumadin/Warfarin understand what that means.  The dosage was altered some and I was commanded to return next Monday for another INR to see if the number is heading in the right direction.  I am hopeful that it will be and we will be heading north next Monday afternoon.

                     Sunset in Fairhope over looking Mobile Bay         

So being that we are terribly disappointed, we are going to try and slip away to a campground near home for a day or two and brush up on our camping skills.  We also want to test out a new sleeping arrangement.

                     A drive in Magnolia Springs Alabama

In the Liberty Deluxe (our model of Casita), we can sleep either on a full bed, king bed or twin beds.  We have tried the full bed and like it but the negative side is that whenever the "lucky person" in the back wants to get up and use the bathroom, the other person either gets crawled over or gets up as well.  I have a hard time sleeping in the back... I get a tad claustrophobic back there and I also have to lap my leg outside of the covers in order to sleep happily!!  So I am the "lucky person" that has to get up with the "unlucky person" that has to visit the bathroom. 


Then we tried the king arrangement.  We decided to do the king arrangement this way - leave the cushions set up during the day and then at night bring in the 2 inch memory foam topper, arrange the cushions for sleeping and throw the sheets and blanket on top.  We didn't like this arrangement at all.  This was too much stuff to store in the back of the Xterra and bring in at night and then take back up in the morning.  When in the "king" arrangement, there is no other seating...just a bed.  We love the space the king bed allows but not all the hassle in putting up and taking down the bed.


The most popular arrangement for Liberty Deluxe owners is the twin bed arrangement.  We have extended the benches to 30 inch width and have placed a Spa Sensations bed on each bench.  This is a permanent arrangement. 


We have covered them with red blankets and pillows for color.  We set up our round table at the end of the isle.  During the day we use the beds as more of a daybed and then at night we turn back the blanket and enjoy a good nights sleep...we hope!!!  Why would this not ask??  Well, we have two little spoiled rotten Shih Tzus that always sleep with us.  They will have to sleep on the floor in their baskets.  We aren't sure how they will like this set up.  Hence...a trial run is in order.


Stay tuned for the WHERE (we will go) and HOW (it all turns out).

Even though it has been very hot lately we have some beautiful Black-Eyed Susans in full bloom around our mailbox. 




The Angel Wing Begonias have done their job of attracting many Hummingbirds.  We have noticed that we have several "humming" around sipping the sweet nectar.  Our birds continue to enjoy the feast at the feeders and with all the rain the grass has grown and greened well.


Hope your summer is going good!!!  Stayed tuned for the WHERE and HOW it goes!!!


  1. If you are most comfortable with the twin beds, then go for it. The dog will adjust. Tell them it's the floor or the door!

    I know, we all do what the pets want. If puppy isn't happy, nobodyit happy.

  2. Good to see a post from you. Always enjoy your fantastic photo's. Wish we had the same model as you so we had your sleeping option. With ours, someone(me) is always getting punched to get out of the way just when the sleep is getting good.:-) Also, good luck with the pups. If they're like Sally, they won't like the change.

  3. I need to do some research on Coumadin/Warfarin. I know nothing about the disease. Keepin you in my prayers for good numbers next week.

    Your flowers are gorgeous. I love the hummingbird photo. Great job!

    Good luck with the "test" run for camping. Hope it works out well.

  4. Hey, I recognize those pics from Callaway. Hope you get sprung next Monday.

  5. What awesome photo's....I suppose my vote would be for the twin beds...but then I don't have any "furry children" on board...take care and good health!!!..Horst sends

  6. Just remember not to step on those two little dogs when they are sleeping on the floor. ;-). I like your bed decor!. I will be praying for good INR results for you. I was able to go six weeks in between tests this time--that is unheard of for me!

  7. I love the bright, happy look of your red twin beds. I bet that will work for you.

    Will the dogs sleep down by your feet? If so, they could still sleep in bed with you.

    As always, photos of that Calloway Chapel melt my heart. It is so sweet!

    And the white butterfly on the blue flowers is stunning!

  8. Enjoyed your photos...really liked the butterfly.
    Hope you are able to take off soon!

    Is that the same Darrel Patterson on TV here in Chattanooga?

    We are heading to Fall Creek Falls SP in a few's close to Crossville and I am hoping it's not too hot!!!

  9. Boring is OK once in a while! But I hope you get to Crossville for a visit soon!!


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