This morning we woke up to another cloudy and cool day, but at least it wasn’t raining! We had a big day planned; we were going to meet Gene & Judi in Warm Springs for lunch and then tour FDR’s The Little White House. I talked with Gene this morning to set up the meet time and location. We decided to meet around 11:47 am (Gene said we wouldn’t forget that time). We were meeting at The Bulloch House in Warm Springs, Ga. for lunch. Benjamin Bulloch, owner of the house that was built in 1893, was also a cofounder of Bullochville (now Warm Springs).

The house is a New South Cottage style of Queen Style home. This house is now a very popular restaurant. When we got there, Gene and Judi were already there, so we did our hugs and went on in to eat. We enjoyed the food but enjoyed the company even more.

We went from there to The Little White House, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vacation home. Roosevelt first came to Warm Springs in search of relief from his polio in the springs’ naturally heated water. He fell in love with the area and built this vacation cottage. He spent many hours visiting people of the area and learning of their lives and struggles. It was from this involvement that helped him to develop the New Deal policies. On April 12, 1945, Roosevelt suffered a stroke and died at his vacation home here.

There is an 11,000 square-foot FDR Memorial Museum nestled in the woods before you get to his cottage. It gives a lot of history about the area and about FDR. There is a short film narrated by Walter Cronkite in the museum which includes a good bit of historic footage of Roosevelt visiting with friends and neighbors of Warm Springs.
On the way back to our campground, we stopped by Dowdell’s Knob, Roosevelt’s favorite picnic spot. It is located in FDR State Park, overlooking Pine Mountain Valley.
If you are in the area, I highly recommend this attraction. It is simple and quite pleasant and very historic.
We greatly enjoyed our time visiting with Gene & Judi and seeing FDR’s Little White House. Thanks Guys!
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