Sometimes we look at sights in nature but don't really see. While hiking in the woods the other day, it became a realization that we need to open our heart and eyes to see the beauty of the simple things in nature with each season. There is so much order and purpose in His creation. God has given us awesome beauty in this world to see and enjoy... if we would but stop to see and feel it. Join us as this blog is about stopping to see the real beauty around touch and feel it... "Through the Lens".

Our Friends

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Little weeding and a coke break at Callaway Gardens

We have completed our first week as camp host at FDR State Park and so far things have been running rather smoothly. This past weekend was a good one with a good group of campers. That means there were no problems and everyone enjoyed themselves…..including us.

Monday morning we did our rounds checking campsites. We blew off a few patios but for the most part things were in good shape so that allowed me to work on some weed eating. As Gerri said in an earlier post, weed eating is not typically a job of the host but it can be done on a volunteer basis. I enjoy weed eating to make the setting look better so for us it is not a problem. This campground was in need of a little weeding. With all the budget cuts there just aren’t enough workers to get it all done as fast as the weeds grow. So this morning I began working on this project down by the lakesideDSC03331 DSC03330 while Gerri went around and pulled the tags and checked the sites to see what each one needed. It will take a few weeks to get things looking better but hey, we have the time.

We worked until it was time for a late lunch. We made our way back to the motorhome and had a little lunch and then sat outside enjoying this really beautiful day. The weather has been just perfect. Not too hot and little or no humidity. It really felt like a crisp early fall day. As we sat there we decided it was a great day to have a coke break at the Discovery Café at Callaway Gardens/Resort. So we made our way in that direction and enjoyed a little “down time” at Callaway. DSC_2914 What could be better??? We had the place to ourselves.DSC_2925 DSC_2922 DSC_2962 We met a young lady that had worked for me when I was the Recreational Food and Beverage Manager there. She was so cute and excited about seeing Gerri  and me.

DSC_2926 While strolling through the Discovery Center we decided to take in the latest exhibit. It was the Southern Rivers Guild of Artists and Craftsmen exhibit. DSC_2957 DSC_2955 We walked through and saw lots of pretty pictures and pottery and then headed back to the rv. We sat out for awhile under the awning and enjoyed our time… the weather is just grand. Just before supper, we decided to walk around the lake DSC_2964 and then take the loop where we are camped. What a great walk, the lake was peaceful and pretty and the loop walked us past other campers who had campfires and cooking out. What a great smell of fires and food.DSC_2913 It was a fantastic day. Life is good.

By the way, Happy 100th Anniversary to the RV industry. We are glad you are here.


  1. Sounds like a perfect day to me! Good thing you are getting a hold on those weeds. The summer heat and sunshine can make those things grow like....well...weeds!

    Do you have kudzu there in that park?

  2. What a beautiful park!! Oh my walking here 1/4 mile and you would be dripping wet..the humidity is so high..I hate it. I have traveled enough to know there are better places to be than here in the summer!! lol Now if I could just convince the hubby. He has never been anywhere except the Southern states..all humidity and heat! Oh well..I could live thru others...dreaming of cooler places.

    Cindy and Walker

  3. If it weren't for your blog, I wouldn't even know about Callaway Gardens. Now it's a place that is on my wish list to visit! I'm glad to hear that your summer of camp hosting at FDR State Park is off to such a good start.

  4. Oh what a wonderful tour you took us on. I especially love the shot of the pines and the calm lake behind in the background. VERY nice shot.

    Keep up the stories on the camp hosting, and all the little stuff you do like pulling tags, noting the sites that need cleaning and weedeating... all part of the job! Thanks!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  5. Glad you all are having a good time at the campground. And you must be fairly close to Callaway Gardens. Looks like you are enjoying things...including the grass trimming. I'm with you, Mike, if you have some time and a good weed eater, why not do some trimming? Things always look better when they are well manicured!

  6. Good to here you guys are enjoying your jobs as hosts, we would like to do something like that to keep us both busy, when we hit the road, That area is sure beautifull, Have fun and be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  7. Great place to have some down time. I think I would have had a Dr. Pepper though ;)


  8. I was surprised to hear you're having such nice weather. We're also in Georgia and a little further south and it's HOT and humid here! Maybe we need to take a trip up there!

  9. Great pictures! Very cool of you to volunteer the time in making the place more enjoyable for others!

    -Mike & Heidi
    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  10. Karen & Al,
    Monday and Tuesday were just beautiful with temps around 82 degrees but hardly any humidity. That humidity makes the difference. We are also sitting in a wooded area and with the pedestal fan on low it is very nice outside on our patio.

    Today it got a little warmer and the humidity was on the rise. Still pretty comfortable early in the morning and early evening.

    Come on up!! LOL
    Hope you are having a great week. :)
    Mike & Gerri


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